Hiring a manager takes a lot of time and money. To maximize your ROI, you need to know which qualities to look for when finding the best candidate. Here are seven qualities you should look for when hiring a manager.
Focusing on company goals is imperative. Because a manager has competing priorities at any given time, they need to determine in which order tasks get completed so that everything is finished on time. A manager also needs to ensure the work being done fits with company goals and helps the business remain competitive. In addition, a manager needs to be creative when solving complex problems to move the company forward.
Communication Skills
Strong written and verbal communication skills are necessary. A manager needs to know what needs to be done and be able to clearly communicate those priorities to each team member. A manager also needs to assign tasks to each teammate and provide the resources needed to complete the work. In addition, a manager needs to consistently follow up on team members’ progress and ensure everyone is working toward the same goal.
Problem-Solving Ability
Being able to regularly solve tough problems is required. For example, a manager needs to break down an issue to thoroughly understand it, come up with ideas to solve the problem and determine the most effective solution. Also, a manager needs to be confident in their choices to gain their team members’ support in implementing the decision. In addition, a manager needs to convince their teammates to move forward – whether or not they agree with the manager.
Taking responsibility for team members’ actions is essential. Because a manager is in charge, they must be held accountable for their team’s successes and failures. Therefore, a manager needs to stay aware of their teammates’ actions and ensure they remain engaged in their work.
Team Member Appreciation
Expressing team member appreciation is important. When teammates are appreciated, they feel greater job satisfaction and increased morale. As a result, team members regularly show up for work, stay productive and remain loyal to the company longer. Therefore, ensure a manager privately and publicly acknowledges teammates’ contributions and successes, provides additional PTO and allows bonuses and raises to express employee appreciation.
Honesty instills employee confidence in a manager. Employees follow a manager when the manager is trustworthy and follows through on things. Look for a manager who values openness and transparency, leads by example, and encourages co-workers to follow suit.
Possessing empathy is vital. For example, a manager needs to ensure teammates don’t have too much work piled on them, as they’ll become less productive and may search for jobs elsewhere. Also, when team members experience issues in their personal lives, the manager should allow a degree of flexibility, such as taking off a few hours, as long as their work gets completed on time.
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